Tilt Five's mixed reality with glasses, board and wand.
Jeri Ellsworth's Tilt Five suggests we can, "Explore, battle, and solve puzzles together with friends as your game unfolds in a shared holographic space, whether they’re across the table or across the world." site
Start that long game you could never finish in one session. With computer assisted board games you can pause and resume the game as many times as you like or start fresh in seconds.
If you’re a Developer with interesting ideas and want to develop tabletop mixed reality experiences, then you should read the FAQs. page
YOUTUBE XPOgLt_73cY Published on May 14, 2019.
They intend to disrupt gaming by making it a social mixed-reality experience. Jeri started this work at Valve, spun out as CastAR and now tries again with Tilt Five.