Decode Waterfall

We prototype a waterfall display reconstructed from decoded data and rendered with d3. chart github

Frequency is horizontal. Age increases vertically. Previously contacted stations show as tan. enlarge

We imagine a basemap constructed from stacked layers of the decode waterfall corresponding to reporting radios. We will then interactively decorate this with information like signal strength, script state, and other decodes related to individual transmissions. See Waterfall Decorations

digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=bisque] "Portland\nDecoder" -> "WSJT\nPlugin" "Medford\nDecoder" -> "WSJT\nPlugin" -> "Datalog\nPlugin" -> "Unity\nApp" -> "TableTop\nVisualization" }

# Prototype

Try a version built from a static capture. chart


Save some new test data with curl.

curl \ > 3pm.txt

Update the demo waterfall.html here.

The WSJT-X application creates a variety of logs. Here we upload the log kept in ADIF format for use elsewhere.

Advanced D3 Technique to study for coding tips